Research & Development


Research, Development & Education

Denna bild har ett alt-attribut som är tomt. Dess filnamn är Hur-mår-du-Logo-Sverige-liten.jpg are psychiatric tests on the web! Look at and test your mind anonymously for depression, anxeity, stress, alcoholuse and gambling disorder. C&Arts Research & Development is now developing scales for ADHD and Bipolar for We had 55 000 visits on since start which is I very good result concerning the marketing efforts. C&Arts has done research and discussed to make a new scale in and it will be for ADHD the WURS Wraddss scale and MDQ Bipolar. C&Arts has done research on the following scales:

– IAT Scale, Internet addiction copyright is owned by Brian Syzdek, Psy.D. Product Manager StoeltingP 630.860.9700   F 630-860-9775   E 620 Wheat Lane Wood Dale, IL, USA  60191. The coordinator have decided not to work on the scale because you have to pay for it and its expensive.

-WURS Wraddss, ADHD/ADD 61 questions is a very interesting scale that have been proposed by a professor at Örebro University. This is a scale that is doing diagnoses and we have to look at ethics and law. The scale is for free and no copyright.

-Life Quality , 21 questions and its a very easy test to correct. The scale is owned by   hospitals in Stockholm and maybe dont have strong evidence and also problems with copyright.

-MDQ is a very old scale for Bipolar persons and dose “Screening for bipolar persons – MDQ”. This scale is from year 1873 witch maybe make it copyright free.


Cybernetics and Art have the program that tests your mind anonymously for depression, anxity, stress, alcohol use and gambling disorder. This program brings psychiatry closer to the users mind and messures the risk of menthal ill health. Development of the program, look above at R&D.




Cybernetics & Arts is intending to work with education. One intention is to sell education and sell them globaly in the world. Cybernetics & Arts can also make events on request. Cybernetics & Arts will deliver seminars on the internet in the future and expand education.

Medicin and Production

-Medical Care

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Research, Development & Education Project      Price on request  /projectbudget

Denna bild har ett alt-attribut som är tomt. Dess filnamn är Bild-forskning-utveckling-utbildning.jpg